
LRP 2020

The Canadian Astronomical Society’s 2020 Long Range Plan (LRP2020) presents a roadmap for Canadian astronomy over the next decade and beyond.

The CASCA LPR2020 sets out priorities and recommendations aimed at ensuring that Canadian astronomy sits at the forefront of knowledge and discovery over the next decade. This includes 89 recommendations that have resulted from the thoughtful contributions of hundreds of researchers, staff, and colleagues in Canada and throughout the world.

Among the LRP2020’s most important recommendations is a commitment to advancing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada and anywhere in the world where Canadian astronomy is conducted.

Specifically, LRP2020 recommends working with Indigenous representatives and other organizations to develop a comprehensive set of principles to engage Indigenous astronomers and students, and guide discussions on the location of astronomical facilities when Indigenous land is involved.

ACURA and CASCA acknowledge that meeting these commitments is a responsibility shared by everyone in Canada’s astronomical community as we set out to engage in meaningful conversations with Indigenous representatives. We welcome all Canadians interested in advancing our fundamental understanding of the Universe while strengthening our commitment to a more inclusive and just society.

Please see the full document here.

The LRP2020 recommends a large investment, near-term project in three areas, in addition to numerous future projects and facilities: (1) Very Large Optical Telescope/Thirty Meter Telescope (VLOT/TMT) in ground-based optical-IR astronomy, (2) the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) in ground-based long wavelength research, and (3) the CASTOR satellite in space missions.